The Polystarter Accelerator Program: Where Innovation Meets Structure

3 min readJul 14, 2021


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Reducing fees. Promoting interoperability. Increasing security. Solving scalability concerns. Touching all-time highs in value and volume.

If a blockchain project achieves one of the above, it is an embodiment of success. But, what if a project succeeds in all of the above? There is no upper limit for them. This is exactly what Polygon (MATIC) is enjoying at the moment. By championing interoperability and scalability, they have thrived when most other projects bled dry due to the recent Bitcoin crash.

Now, leveraging the growth of Polygon, a new project, Polystarter, is fuelling the growth of other Polygon projects. By providing early-age projects with mentors, resources, and community-based financial backing, they are helping mere ideas scale into mainstream solutions.

To build a credible project, ideas are not enough. There exists a need for nurturing the ideas and their evolution into a fully-fledged product. PolyStarter is aiming to fulfill this need with its signature accelerator program.

Polystarter Accelerator Program — An Innovator’s and Developer’s Paradise

Several blockchain-related startups and DeFi solutions have fallen flat due to the lack of support and direction. The generation of a revolutionary idea is only valuable if it translates into a solution. If not, it remains a mere dream.

To avoid this and for the materialization of innovative ideas, the Polystarter Accelerator Program is here. With this, Polystarter aims to provide complete support to the launch of projects from marketing to technical assistance.

Most premature projects work independently without leveraging the power of networking. The accelerator program helps innovators meet industry experts and other professionals who can add value to the project. Apart from financial help, innovators can relish valuable feedback on their projects. These expert insights, coupled with a touch of commitment are what will demarcate true solutions from ideas.

Likewise, project developers are provided with technical support, production tools, and development aid. This would help them fast-track the process while maintaining the integrity of the project. The program shall also provide assistance in UI/UX design, to help build a product that can be used seamlessly by end-users. Also, getting the product tested by experts at regular intervals helps in identifying loopholes at an initial stage.

Market Outreach: Catering to the Right Audience

Several genuine projects have failed to succeed due to their inability to reach their target audience, while others have failed because of their inability to define the right audience.

For projects on Polygon, this situation is mitigated as the Polystarter Accelerator Program will help projects with regard to marketing. From finding the right target audience to tailoring strategies to reach them, comprehensive support is provided. Also, the project shall be marketed on Polystarter’s marketing channels. Given the enormity of the Polygon community, global outreach is no longer a hassle for new projects.

Toward a Better, Brighter Future of Polygon Projects

With Polystarter and its accelerator platform, innovators and developers are provided a wholesome opportunity for astronomic growth. To be eligible for this opportunity, the applicants need to pass through a rigorous screening process that will prove their potential in the long run. Click here to know more about the IDO selection framework.

By placing community first, PolyStarter is furthering the pace at which the blockchain and DeFi space is evolving. In a win-win situation, Polygon is presented with a home-bred ecosystem of polished dApps and DeFi solutions.

About Polystarter

Polystarter is a full-fledged decentralized launchpad connecting innovators and early investors in the Polygon ecosystem. It provides project devs with fund-raising initiatives and support, with an overarching aim of building an inclusive infrastructure in the DeFi space.

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PolyStarter is a fully decentralized project Accelerator for Polygon